Forest defense is climate defense
the pacific northwest forest climate alliance is
a network of organizations and activists working at the intersection of forest defense and climate justice
Guiding Principles
The Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance (The Alliance) comes together with the understanding that in order to protect forests and meaningfully address the climate crisis, we must transform the extractivist culture to achieve sustainable and just societies.
Forest Defense is Community Defense: We work together in defense of the Pacific Northwest communities and ecosystems, as we recognize their health and wellbeing are fundamentally interconnected.
Forest Defense is Climate Defense: Our work is driven by the important role forests play in mitigating the climate crisis, and creating climate resilient communities.
Solidarity with Frontline Communities: We support action taken by Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) and other frontline communities to combat the climate crisis. We take guidance from traditional land stewards to inform our advocacy.
Transformation, not Reformation: We work to transform, not reform the imbalanced and unfair systems that drive the destruction of forests and forest-dependent communities — both human and non-human. This will require a shift away from industrial logging.
Embrace Real Solutions: We reject unproven and dangerous practices that distract and misdirect resources from real solutions. Effective and enduring solutions will come from a fundamental transformation away from the extractive systems that have brought us to disaster.
End Corporate Exploitation: We must end ecologically destructive logging, restore landscapes and protect ecologically significant places.
Advance a Just Transition: We support workers and rural communities in a just transition towards a life-affirming economy.
The Alliance Membership Handbook
The PNW Forest Climate Alliance Member Handbook includes our membership agreements & expectations, details about the Alliance Steering Commit & working groups, information on how we operate, and the list of current member organizations.
Read the Alliance Handbook here.
Alex Budd, PNWFCA Organizer
Brenna Bell, 350PDX
Paula Hood, Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project
Madeline Cowen, Cascadia Wildlands
Meg Waller, Bark
Helena Virga, FUSEE
David Perk, Volunteer
Katie Bilodeau, Volunteer
Alliance Steering Committee Members
Join one of our working groups:
Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance Member Organizations
350 Eugene
350 PDX
350 Seattle
350 Washington County
Advocates for Forest Carbon
American Bird Conservancy
Animal Fire Theatre
Applegate Neighborhood Network
Beyond Toxics
Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project
Breach Collective
Cascadia Climate Action Now
Cascadia Department of Bioregion
Cascadia Forest Defenders
Cascadia Wildlands
Center for Earth Ethics
Center for Responsible Forestry
Clackamas Indivisible
Climate Reality Project
Climate Action Coalition
Climate Justice League
Coast Range Association
Cooper Crest Forest Defenders
Crag Law Center
Deer Creek Association (Deer Creek Valley Natural Resources Conservation Association)
Democratic Socialists of America, PDX Chapter
Democratic Socialists of America, Salem Chapter
Democratic Socialists of America, Tacoma/Pierce County Chapter
Douglas Country Global Warming Coalition
Dzunuk'wa Society - Wild Women of the Woods
Earth Law Center
Ecosystem Restoration Artistry Systems
Emergency Conservation Committee PNW
Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)
Extinction Rebellion, Bellingham
Extinction Rebellion, Portland Chapter
Families for a Livable Climate
Feather River Action
Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology (FUSEE)
Friends of the Clearwater
Friends of Trees
Friends of OSU Old Growth
Great Old Broads for Oregon, Bitterbrush Chapter
Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Cascade Volcano Chapter
Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Rogue Chapter
Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Seattle Chapter
Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Willamette Valley Chapter
Green Cove Defense Committee
Green Snohomish
Interfaith Earthkeepers of Eugene/Springfield
JD Calkins Law and Consulting PLLC
John Muir Project of the Earth Island Institute
Kitsap Environmental Coalition
Klamath Forest Alliance
Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center
Lane County Audubon Society
Lane County Mutual Aid
Legacy Forest Defence Coalition
Lorax Coalition
Mobilizing Climate Action Together (MCAT)
Mid-Valley Solidarity Coalition
Mosquito Fleet PDX
Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center
Native Plant Society of Oregon
North Cascades Conservation Council
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection
Olympic Climate Action
Olympic Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Oregon Wild
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Pacific Rivers
Portland Rising Tide
Progressive Dems of America, Oregon Chapter
Sasquatch Woods People
Sierra Club
South Umpqua Rural Community Partnership
Oregon Chapter Sierra Club
Illinois Valley Section Sierra Club
Summit Lake Alliance
Sunrise Beaverton
Sunrise Eugene
Sunrise PDX
Sunrise Redding
Thurston Climate Action Team
Tree Action Seattle
Tualatin Riverkeepers
UO Climate Justice League
Umpqua Watersheds
Water League
Wenatchee Rising Tide
Whatcom Million Trees Project
Wild Earth Guardians
Wild Heritage Foundation
Williams Community Forest Project
RT @OregonWild: This report analyzes 10 of the worst logging projects on federal land across the country, including the Flat Countr… https://t.co/JLREJzunlc
RT @JohnMuirProject: Sequoias are better off with stronger, NOT WEAKER, environmental laws! The #SaveOurSequoias Act is nothing more tha… https://t.co/C7nxC7Paly
RT @cascwild: BREAKING: Report shows that mature and old-growth forests are being logged by @forestservice and @Interior as we s… https://t.co/SXHzJvsf8k
RT @JohnMuirProject: Just days before Trump left office, the @forestservice approved amendments to a plan managing about 8 million fores… https://t.co/NzmDJ24vQt
RT @JohnMuirProject: Spending funds logging forests in the false hope that one can reduce large blazes are looking in the rear-view mirr… https://t.co/rxcVbOwTQZ